# Getting Started
# Instalation
Bazaar library hosted at Bukalapak's NPM (opens new window), you need to connected to VPN Production to install the package.
yarn add @bukalapak/bazaar-token
# How to use
Find all available tokens in the figma bazaar token (opens new window).
# JavaScript
In JavaScript, design token names are formatted in lower camelCase (opens new window).
const tokens = require('@bukalapak/bazaar-token');
console.log(tokens.brand01); // #E31E52
In JSON, design token names are formatted in kebab-case (opens new window).
const tokens = require('@bukalapak/bazaar-token/dist/tokens.json');
console.log(tokens['brand-01']); // #E31E52
Note that, if your project supports ECMAScript Modules, you can also use the import
import * as tokens from '@bukalapak/bazaar-token';
// or
import { brand01 } from '@bukalapak/bazaar-token';
# Sass
Sass variables and map keys are formatted in kebab-case (opens new window).
// Using variables
@import '~@bukalapak/bazaar-token/dist/tokens.scss';
a {
color: $brand-01;
// Using the map of all tokens
@import '~@bukalapak/bazaar-token/dist/tokens.map.scss';
a {
color: map-get($tokens-map, 'brand-01');